Dharma Deshana Pinkam

A Dharma Deshana Pinkam is usually held as a blessing. It is done on a child’s first birthday, at a child’s first reading ceremony, wedding anniversaries, pregnancies, birthday celebrations, office openings, or any other occasion where you wish to receive blessings. Dharma Deshana Pinkam are also given to enlighten the mind of a person in case of illness or near death and to give merit to a person who has passed away.

This is usually conducted by a Buddhist monk for an hour. During this session, there will be prayers as well as a sermon given by one or many priests.

During the Dharma deshanaya you would need to be suitably attired and seated in your homes with minimum noise so that you can listen to the sermon in a calm setting. The session will start with the priest being invited to commence the sermon. The priest will be provided with a drink gilanpasa and a basket of betel dahath.

Flowers, a lit lamp and josticks will be offered to Lord Buddha.

After the sermon, a special gift pirikara will be offered as thanks to the priest.

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